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Getting Started


First make sure you have Java 7 or later installed on your machine. This is required for Fantom and for creating our embedded JRE images.

Next we need to install Fantom, Studs and several utilities we’ll need to build our firmware.


The easiest method for macOS is to use Homebrew and fanr:

$ brew update
$ brew install fantom
$ brew install fwup squashfs coreutils
$ fanr install -r http://eggbox.fantomfactory.org/fanr/ "studs,studsTools"


Fantom is currently not available in most package managers, so you’ll need to download and unzip onto your system. Follow Setup instructions on fantom.org. Note that Java is a pre-requisite for Fantom.

Next install fwup using the instructions on the Installation Page.

The ssh-askpass package is also required on Linux so burn command will be able to use sudo to gain the required permission to write directly to an SD card:

$ sudo apt-get install ssh-askpass

Finally, install squashfs-tools using your distribution’s package manager along with the Studs fantom pods. For example:

$ sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools
$ fanr install -r http://eggbox.fantomfactory.org/fanr/ "studs,studsTools"

Create a Project

To get started, first we need to create a new project:

$ fan studs init myproj

This will create a stand-alone PathEnv to keep our application pods separate from our master Fantom lib:

├── fan.props            # fan config for PathEnv
├── src/
│   ├── fan/
│   │   └── Main.fan     # application entry point
│   └── build.fan        # project build file
├── studs.props          # firmware configuration file
└── studs/
    ├── jres/            # target JREs installed here
    ├── systems/         # target systems installed here
    └── releases/        # compiled firmware images put here

studs.props contains the configuration for your firmware, including the targets you wish to build for. The default target is bb, but you may change or add additional targets by commenting/uncommenting them:

# studs.props

# Uncomment to add target platform to build

Install Embedded JRE

Oracle requires you to jump through several hoops in order to get a JRE for embedded platforms, so unfortunately this part of the process must be manually completed.

Download the appropriate embedded JDK for your target platform:

Target eJDK
BeagleBone ejdk-8u###-linux-armv6-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
Raspberry Pi 3 ejdk-8u###-linux-armv6-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
Raspberry Pi Zero ejdk-8u###-linux-arm-sflt.tar.gz

Next copy the tar into your project directory:

└── studs/
    └── jres/
        └── ejdk-8u###-linux-armv6-vfp-hflt.tar.gz

From here the build tools will manage creating the correct image for your device.

Build your Project

Now we’re ready to build!

$ src/build.fan
$ fan studs asm

This will compile your Fantom application and assemble the firmware images for your target device(s). The first time studs asm is run the system dependencies will be downloaded which can take a few minutes. After that firmware builds will be fast.

After building the firmware, images are placed under the releases dir, where the naming convention is proj-version-target:

└── studs/
    └── releases/
        └── myproj-1.0.0-bb.fw

See Building for detailed documentation on the build process.

Running your Project

To run your freshly minted project we need to burn our firmware image onto a SD card:

$ fan studs burn

This command will automatically detect the SD card in your host machine. If you have more then one card, or if you have more than one firmware target, you will be prompted to select the desired choices.

Once complete, insert card into the target device and power up.