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Studs systems are simply minimal Linux images built using Buildroot. They are designed to be small and lightweight, and push as much implementation detail as possible up into the Studs Fantom layer. This keeps systems simple and improves portability for applications.

Supported Systems

Studs includes several pre-built systems as part of the open source project:

Name Platform Repo
bb BeagleBone Repo
rpi3 Raspberry Pi 3 Repo
rpi0 Raspberry Pi Zero Repo

Building a System

To build a Studs system you will need a Linux PC or VM. This project supports building on macOS using Vagrant. But most any Linux setup will work. This section will cover how to build an existing system from source. The follow section will cover how to create your own systems.

Setup Build Directory

First step is to setup our build directory and pull the system sources we will be using. This step should be done on the host system (not in your VM).

Pull the base and bb system sources under a root studs directory:

$ mkdir studs
$ cd studs
$ git clone git@github.com:studsio/system.git
$ git clone git@github.com:studsio/system-bb.git

Afterwards your studs directory should look like this:

├── system
└── system-bb

macOS Vagrant Setup

The simplest way to build on macOS is to use the supplied Vagrantfile, which will allow you to host and edit the source on your Mac, and build on a Linux VM. To get started with Vagrant:

  1. Install Vagrant

  2. Install VirtualBox

  3. Modify the defaults in system/Vagrantfile for memory/cores to match your host:

    # Change here for more or less memory/cores
  4. Provision your VM – this will take a few minutes while it downloads and configures your new image:

    $ cd system
    $ vagrant up
  5. When provisioning is complete, log into your VM:

    $ vagrant ssh

Your host studs source directory will automatically be shared when you boot your Vagrant VM. It will be mounted under ~/studs on Linux:

vagrant@jessie:~$ ls ~/studs
system  system-bb

Quick-start to using Vagrant:

$ vagrant up       # boot VM
$ vargant ssh      # login to VM
$ vagrant halt     # shutdown VM -- 'vagrant up' to reboot
$ vagrant destory  # delete VM -- 'vagrant up' to recreate

Once Vagrant is setup and you have booted and logged into your VM, continue to the Setup section below to complete setup.


On Linux, first install required dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git g++ libssl-dev libncurses5-dev \
  bc m4 make unzip cmake python

Once you have setup Linux and download system sources, setup your build configuration for the intended target:

$ system/setup.sh bb

The setup.sh script will:

Change to your output directory and run make:

# macOS Vagrant -- we need to store our output directory outside of the
# shared folder under Vagrant, since VirtualBox does not support creating
# hardlinks in shared folders -- which Buildroot requires
$ cd /home/vagrant/output-bb/
$ make

# Under native Linux the output direcotry will be created as a peer to
# the system source directories
$ cd output-bb
$ make

This will take a while (15-20min). Once complete, the next step is to package your system by running:

$ make system

This will create a new tarball under the target releases directory:


Creating a New System